Diving Pool ...
Do you think people are still trying to use it as a diving pool?
Have a great day!
teej (DJ's friend & web master)
DJ Jones, Executive Director of the Posey Foundation is the first person in the world to ride one motorcycle through ALL 50 United States.
DJ's "Dream Power Ride" is raising money for heart disease prevention and awareness; curing Pediatric Cancer; and, funding scholarships for surviors of pediatric cancer. DJ & Big Bertha's journey has covered over 25,000 miles, 50 States and 3 Canadian Provinces.
The Posey Foundation: is a nonprofit 501c(3.)
DJ wanted you to share in her rainy ride.
Posted by teej (DJ's friend & web master)
DJ picked up a 3 inch screw in her rear tire somewhere between Alabama and Florida (less than 3000 miles on the tire). To say she is a little pissed is an understatement, it's not just the tire or the fact that its rained on her for three quarters of her trip, or that she has been eaten alive by mosquito's, or the computer problems, or the problems with Big Bertha's rear end.That's all part of the deal,and she can accept that. What really makes her angry is that people just can't seem to grasp the magnitude of what she is trying to accomplish.
Everybody seems to think that this is just a summer ride in the sun, they have no idea what kind of effort it takes to pull something like this off.
DJ is not 19 years old she is pushing 50, she can't eat whatever she wants, sleep a couple hours and be ready to go. DJ has severe arthritis throughout her body and is borderline diabetic. If she had not taken the best possible care of herself, this trip would have been over after two or three states.
DJ has been on the road for 53 days - through 32 states and traveled over 13,000 miles so far.
Throughout this time she has been spreading the word about her mission to anyone who would listen, taking pictures, filming and compiling extensive notes about her experience thus far. She has been under constent verbal assault from rude people who are angry because someone is trying to make a difference. She has experienced prejudice from people of all races. So she is not in the best of spirits right now and she wanted me to convey this to you.
She has met some truly wonderful folks out there, but they have been few and far between. Regardless, DJ is a fighter and she will continue on with her noble quest despite whatever bumps, screws or nasty people may cross her path. So if you see her out there, take a minute to say hello and wish her well. It takes a strong person to be different, to go against the flow, but sometimes that's what it take to change things for the better. So be different, get involved and make a difference today!
Until next time... God Bless. Updated by DJ's husband Mark.