Friday, May 19, 2006

I'm Backkkkkkkkk...............................

Through the rain & wind - I have made my way to Spokane,WA. Thank you Mary & Steve for allowing be to crash at your lake house - congratulation Steve on your son's graduation from Texas! If you are following my route on the US map - you can see I have made a few changes with more to come!!
Big Bertha had her 1st. oil change today THANKS to Wyatt Wissenbach of Shumate Harley Davidson located in Kennewick, WA. Wyatt took it upon himself to take of Big Bertha & me personally! What a special gentleman you are - Thank you!!
Yesterday I met a cool truck driver, Spence. He gave me a donation for dinner & fuel - Spencer also recommened The Harley shop for Big Bertha.

On my 50 State "Dream Power Ride" I have ridden through of course New Mexico plus Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Oregan, Idaho, Washington. I have taken lots of film & PICS - But when I have tryed to attached them to my Blogg it freezes my laptop. Once I work it out - I'll be able to share some awesome views of our GREAT US!!
Before I sign off - I'd like to send out more THANKS - to Tammy for doing my blogg when I was in the dead zone & Patrick Wheeler - with you in my corner - I will succeed!!
* Gang all is not roses & honey out here & I don't want to paint a picure that it is - As a motivational speaker for kids - it is painful to see mothers walk their young daughters as far away from me as possible - I am not what your child has to fear - but I do see where predjudice starts - AT HOME - what a shame!! To the folks that have been less than kind to me, I'd like to send a message to you - You don't have to love me - you don't have to like me but I am a woman on a mission & I will make a differnce for you, your families & the rest of AMERICA!!

Until next time my friends - God Bless...............
Dedicated to making a Difference - DJ & Big Bertha

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Day 13: Battling the Elements

DJ is in another dead zone. She is battling the elements and trying to stay clear of storms in the Washington/Oregon area.

There will be no howling tonight. Perhaps, she'll hook up with a flock of seagulls and dance the night away.

Stay strong and healthy sis.

Love ya, teej (DJ's friend & web master)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Day 12: Howling with the Coyotes

DJ is in another dead zone. I imagine her communing with nature, peacefully meditating, and soaking up the wonders of nature. Oops, what am I thinking? I'm talking about Diva DJ!!

She's probably found a pack of coyotes and is spending her evening sitting up on a hill howling at the moon. Knowing DJ, she's not just howling; she's conducting a seminar entitled "How to jazz-up your howling".

The coyotes will never be the same ...

Hoooowlllll, teej (DJ's friend & web master)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Day 11 - Nothing panned out................

Big Bertha & I will be heading out of Vegas Tuesday. Nothing panned out today with our Posey Foundation Media coverage - but hold on to your nickers, it's coming!

Thank you Allen for the your support of our Posey Foundation's Mission & thank you for the very nice meal of Salmon at the Macaroni Grill. This was a real treat for me since I have & will be dining on fruit, nuts, instant oatmeal & daily side salad from Micky Dees. I'd like give a big shout out to the waiter at the Macaroni Grill - great service, great attitude plus get on your MC - do that ride to Texas, just do it - ride the wind......:)

Also I'd like to say thank you to those of you that opened your hearts & gave donations to The Posey Foundation today - what you gave was greatly appriciated - there is no donation too small, the fact that you cared enough to give will help SAVES LIVES & Make a Difference!!

Until tomorrow...............God Bless - my friends, DJ & Big Bertha

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Vegas Baby.....................

I'm here in Vegas now with Allen Dewey (Photographic Equivalents) & friends (Margaret, Jason, Kamil, Candace, Randy, Carina) he is working very hard to get The Posey Foundation airtime here in Vegas & LA. We had a groovy time today riding in the heat of Vegas (shopping for a new battery for Jason's Heritage Softail & eating burgers at exit 91 off I15 in Nevada...middle of nowhere!)

Here are the Winners of the Dream Package and Southwest Airline ticket raffle. Bike: H. Malcolm Paul. The Winner of the SW Airlines ticket is: D. Gottheimer. WE would also like to thank- New Mexico Sports & Wellness for hosting our fundraisers this year. The Accessory Pit for donating $500 US of Accessories. Envisions Group Mortgage Company for donating the cruise & Chris Vasquez for donating the custom paint design for the motorcycle. I'm hunkered down in Vegas...God Bless, DJ & Big Bertha.