Saturday, August 01, 2009


Before riding up the Alaska Highway for the 2nd time, August 7, 2006, I wrote and put my last words on my website. Steve Roe, my dear who passed away last year, read my words and said, "God damn it, DJ, you made me cry." That's my Steve, never one to pull any punches.
I told him I didn't write the words to be morbid. We aren't guaranteed another moment and I wanted to let those I love, know that I do encase I don't return home!

To my friends:

For the 3rd time, on August 2, 2009, I'm camping and riding back up the road the locals on the Alaska Highway call, "HELL!" one of the most dangerous roads in the world! There lies in wait for Big Bertha and me, the largest population of Grizzly Bears in North America and every other large predator imaginable. But for some reason this awe inspiring extremely treacherous final frontier calls to me. Having said that ... please remember me a s spitfire and a fighter, someone who wasn't afraid of grabbing the world by the balls and pulling every bit of living out of it possible. Remember me as someone who wasn't afraid of speaking her mind although it may not be PC. Remember me as a Warrior, willing to lay her life on the line but willing to do everything within her power to survive! Remember me as a passionate person, one who took chances and when I leave this world, I have no regrets! Remember me as a soldier, who is willing to die for what she believes in, at all costs, if necessary!

To my loved one, please don't mourn my passing but CELEBRATE the life I've led. Every time the wind blows and you feel the warm sun on your face, it will be me filling you with my Warrior spirit! I love you all!!

Fighting to keep the shiny side up!! God Bless - DJ and Big Bertha


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