Saturday, October 14, 2006

Celebrate DJ & Big Bertha's return!

Join us as we celebrate DJ and Big Bertha's return Saturday, October 21, 2006.

For details, visit

Posted by teej (DJ'd friend and web master)


DJ is on her way back to San Marcos to heal both body and spirit. Her foot is improving remarkably well, but she still has a lot of work to do before she can pilot Big Bertha home safely. She will spend the next few days alone preparing for the final leg of her journey. Her ETA in Albuquerque is next Saturday afternoon. Until next time....... God Bless. Updated by DJ's husband Mark.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Left - Right - Left.....................

Bam Bam, an 85lb. pit bull, my new friend - making sure no one gets into my bed while I'm busy working to get back out there on the road..........
DJ's left foot...............
DJ's right foot................

Wanted to show you what my right foot looks like NOW after being T-boned 11/24/98 - 2 days before Thanksgiving! - it was crushed beyond recognition.

I will once again WALK, RIDE & continue to dedicate my life to making a DIFFERENCE!!!!

Until next time my friends, God Bless: DJ & Big Bertha

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Repair for Return..................

Big Bertha on the Tow truck ..............
DJ's left foot after accident..........

There is quite a bit more bruising now - this PIC was taken Sunday, Oct. 8, 2006.

I have range of motion in my ankle down & up - but side to side is very limited. Big Bertha layed her very large motor on the inside part of my left foot between the ankle & toes - right where all the many bones are. Good thing I have taken good care of my right foot that was crushed by a car just shy of eight years ago - 11/24/98................

We are on the mend...................

Until next time my friends - God Bless: DJ & Big Bertha

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Big Bertha is on her way to the hospital...........

I think I made the poor tow truck driver a little nervous. When he saw the size of Big Bertha he called for assistance - but no other drivers were available. He promised me that he had never lost a bike yet & we sure didn't want his first one to be MY BIG BERTHA!!! I watched him very closely, filmed & photographed his every move & I must say, GREAT job - dude!
Thank you once again to Honda Roadside Service & to the driver of Blair's Towing - well done, ya'll!

I had to watch my friend once again leave without me, but it's for the best. I am working on getting my foot roadworthy & it her time too.

We are one step closer to getting back to Albuquerque!!

Until next time my friends, God Bless: DJ & Big Bertha

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Warriors have been tested ONCE AGAIN.......

Yes, Big Bertha & I have been pretty banged up...................

Another chapter in our Ultimate Warrior journey! Please stay tuned - Mark & I will keep you posted on our recovery.

Sometimes LIFE will knock you down & it's up to each one of us to get back up and continue to move forward..................

Big Bertha & I are doing just that - battling back, getting back up, dusting ourselves off & WE WILL BE riding HOME soon!!!

Until next time my friends, God Bless: DJ & Big Bertha

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Its not over yet!

DJ had a little mishap yesterday, she was pulling up a extremely steep driveway when Big Bertha slipped into neutral and began to roll backwards. Before she could react Big Bertha rolled into a parked truck and then fell on DJ's left foot. Her foot is not broken, but it is sprained pretty good. As for Big Bertha her handlebars are bent a little and the left mirror was torn off, but otherwise she seems okay. DJ spent the day working on her foot and is taking things day by day. All I can say is that I am glad it didn't turn out worse, because it certainly could have! Thank God she was wearing the proper boots, they no doubt protected her foot from further damage. Like DJ said it aint over till the kickstand is down in your driveway. Until next time.............God Bless. Updated by DJ's husband Mark.