Sunday, August 06, 2006

Please HONOR my wishes -

Before I begin - I would like to say THANK YOU to all of you out there that have been sending well wishes my way. But for this BLOG that you will read - PLEASE honor my wishes "NO COMMENTS PLEASE!!!"

August 7, 2006 I will be heading toward Dawson Creek, BC - mile 0 of the Alaska Highway - the road the locals call HELL! After my trip up the Alcan last year - I know that this part of my journey will be the ULTIMATE challenge & I am willing to do what ever it takes to see "this thing" that I have started to it's completion!! After being on the road for 93 days, the fact that I have gotten this far is nothing less than a miracle! I wrote these words over a week ago and thought I should not wait to put them in the book, but to share them with you NOW!

If for some reason I don't make it through the remainder of my MISSION, I would like to say I LOVE YOU to my "wonderful husband" Mark,and Darius my "special son" plus to the rest of my family and friends you will always have a special place in my heart as well! Please remember me as a spit fire and someone who was not afraid of taking life by the balls, a passionate person that was willing to do what ever it takes to succeed! I feel truly blessed to have lived the life that GOD has chosen for me. I hope I have made a difference in the lives of those that have chosen to open their hearts & minds to a NEW way of seeing life. Life the way it should be and NOT the way that peer pressure has lead us to believe is important! Please don't mourn my passing but CELEBRATE the LIFE I've lead! Every time the wind blows & you feel the warm sun on your face - It will be me filling you with my spirit!

Love you ALL and may GOD BLESS - DJ JONES


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