Spent the afternoon in bumper to bumper traffic in Phoenix, didn't make it to the TV station - it wasn't meant to be! Lots of fun thing happened today - a board the size of Florida broke off an 18 wheeler came right at me & Big Bertha. I avoided a direct hit - but ran over it (We are all OK) When I stopped to get gas in Phoenix - a guy & a lady walked up - the woman was wearing short shorts. I thought nothing of it - we are in Arizona where temps are over 100. The lady walked back to the building & stood resting against a phone booth. The man was asking men at the pumps if they wanted a discount date with his prostitute(the woman standing against the phone booth) he was her pimp - who knew..........??. In most cases a loud mouth like this would have had something smart to say to me, since I was the only other woman in site - but as he approached - I pulled back my jacket exposing my very large knife - the pimp kept stepping - I filled up & was on my way.
On the flip side - I headed up 17(N) toward Flagstaff - no Black people to be found - so the rest of my afternoon was spend scaring white people, I guess they never seen nothin' like me before.........:)
I don't think this country is ready for DJ & Big Bertha - but guess what "HERE WE COME!!!"
Now this is what I call reality TV!!
I am hunker down west of Flagstaff - until tomorrow, my friends...........
Take care & God Bless - DJ & Big Bertha
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