Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Had web service but lost it.

DJ is still hunkered down in Spearfish South Dakota. A lightning storm knocked out her web service today, so she asked me to give you an update. Yesterday started out a little shaky, it seems Big Bertha got a bad tank of gas and wasn't to happy about it! Fortunately DJ always carries a bottle of carb cleaner with her , so she added some to the tank and after a few laps around the parking lot Big Bertha was running much better - but she didn't fell completely better until after running through a couple tanks of new fuel. DJ wanted to thank the kind folks at the Royal Rest Motel for their support and hospitality, also she would like to thank the owner/GM Bill Hearne and Brian in parts from Outdoor Motorsports in Spearfish for donating oil and a filter to keep Big Bertha running strong. Yesterday marks the 11th anniversary of DJ's mom Virginia Mae's passing due to heart disease. I can't help but think that Virginia Mae is smiling down from heaven right now, as she watches over her daughter DJ's mission to save lives. Until next time.... God Bless, DJ and Big Bertha Updated by DJ's husband Mark.


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