Saturday, January 26, 2008

DJ's Birthday!!

Today is DJ's 50th Birthday!


Blogger Cheri said...

DJ is nifty at fifty . . .

DJ is nifty at fifty . . . 1958 was a very good year.
Just a few hundred of DJ’s closet friends
came to help her celebrate.

She only wanted gag gifts . . . if you must.
My muse celebrated with a collage.
She kept me up at night . . .

. . . we hadn’t had a play date for some time.
Large, lilac, lime green, yellow, purple paper flowers
made from napkins from my 50th celebration graced the top.

My muse clapped with glee.
It was time to pass the torch to DJ.
A button my mom gave me for my 40th read:

“It’s better to be over the hill than under it”
When I inserted the pin into the collage . . . I
felt my muse do a cartwheel in total joy.

Finding a bamboo napkin holder in my stuff to sell
was a great treasure to find.
It made the perfect base to display DJ’s collage.

DJ has given the world a great gift by honoring her mother’s
memory with the Posey foundation.
Her courage and talents has and will inspire the world.

Today we celebrate both DJ’s mother for giving birth her
and DJ for living her life on her terms.
Here’s to the next fifty my friend. Happy Birthday!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

11:40 AM  

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