Sunday, May 06, 2007

DJ & Big Bertha's 1 year Anniversary!!

Big Bertha and I began our 25,000 mile - 50 State "Dream Power Ride" 1 year ago - May 6, 2006! Please log onto - to view PICS and the film about our journey.

Take care & may God Bless: DJ & Big Bertha


Blogger Mai~Goodness said...

**wow** talk about talk about living up to your potential! my soul is turning cartwheels over what you've accomplished! i mean your WHOLE journey that began 20 yrs ago with you discerning what needed to be changed within yourself and proactively combatting/overcoming something that could have taken you out of the game. i'm completely enthralled and honored to read your story i wish i had boxes of cash to give you!) and then not only affecting change within yourself but making it a communal effort, crossing every state line. You are an icon. you should be on a U.S. postage stamp DJ! It's uncovering templates like this that lets me know how much I HAVE TO step my own game up. if we all channeled the DJ within, think of what change we could TRULY manifest.

brooklyn, ny

9:28 PM  

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