Monday, September 04, 2006

Bon Voyage, Big Bertha!

Well tomorrow is the day! DJ will bring the big girl to a ship docked in San Diego in the morning. Once Big Bertha is safely on board, the ship will set sail for Hawaii. DJ will stay in the San Diego area until Saturday, at which time she will catch a flight to Honolulu. Big Bertha is scheduled to arrive in Honolulu on the 12th. It's hard to believe but the finish line is in sight. DJ has figured her miles so precisely that she will complete the 25,000 miles she planned to cover for this trip on the island. This will also bring the total miles on Big Bertha to 200,000. DJ is quick to remind me that the trip isn't over until the kickstand is down in your driveway, but I can't help but marvel at her accomplishments thus far. Along the way DJ has given many impromptu Dream Power Lectures to young and old alike. Spreading the message that anything is possible if you want it bad enough. Her passion to help raise awareness for the Posey Foundations mission to save lives is what keeps her going. A truly remarkable woman, traveling through this great nation dedicated to making a difference. Until next time.... God Bless Updated by DJ's husband Mark


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