Sunday, September 03, 2006
DJ has begun the final preparations on Big Bertha for her trip across the Pacific Ocean. Deciding what gear to take and what will be left here on the mainland, along with giving the big girl a good going over was the order of the day. When Big Bertha is loaded onto the ship Tuesday, it will be the first time her and DJ have been apart since the beginning of this remarkable journey in May. To some motorcycles are just another machine, to others such as DJ motorcycles are an extension of ones soul. We purchased Big Bertha new in 1999, and since that time she has faithfully carried DJ for almost 200,000 miles traveling throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico. From California to Nova Scotia, from Key West to Alaska and everywhere between they have traveled the highways and byways together searching for answers and wondering what adventure lies around the next bend. I'll never forget the day we first picked Big Bertha up. The bike shop had her serviced and ready to go when we pulled up. DJ put on her gear, as a crowd began to gather. Everyone stared in awe at this magnificent machine, with its huge engine and chrome glistening in the late afternoon sun. One of the men in the crowd asked her if she was scared about riding such a huge bike, DJ just shrugged her shoulders and said no. She swung her leg over the seat, started the engine pulled a tight U turn and was gone. It was truly a wonder to behold. From the beginning they were a perfect match. People often ask me if I'm bothered by how much time DJ spends riding Big Bertha. The answer is a resounding no! Of course I miss her when she's away, but since we purchased Big Bertha there has been a wonderful transformation in my wife. DJ has always been free spirited and outgoing, but when she teamed up with Big Bertha, one could not help but noticed a sense of peace and tranquility about her. The time spent riding Big Bertha has given DJ a chance to reflect on life, to figure out what's truly important and what goals she would like to accomplish. Whenever she comes home from a trip she is rejuvenated, full of energy and new ideas. I feel that riding Big Bertha has helped make DJ a better person. If only Big Bertha could talk , I wonder what she would say? Until next time..... God Bless Updated by DJ's husband Mark
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