Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Day 110, and over 23,000 miles traveled!

When I spoke to DJ tonight she was in Williams Lake, BC and had about 30 miles to go before she would shut things down for the night. Last night at her campsite she said the temperature dropped to a nippy 37 degrees. We talked about some of the questions that people have asked her along the way. She said the biggest question that women ask is "Are you scared?" Her response is, fear is not an option. When you make up your mind to do something like this, you have got to be prepared. You have to have the right equipment, your bike has to be mechanically sound, but most importantly you have to be physically and mentally prepared for whatever challenge presents itself. When you stop to think about it, DJ is a stranger in every town she travels through. She must deal with ever changing road and weather conditions, traffic, rude people and on occasions large potentially dangerous animals. There is no time for daydreaming. If you lose focus you could die. Now some of you are going to say, " Wow that's a bit intense isn't it?" Your damn Skippy it is! This isn't a game to DJ. She's laying it on the line because she believes in what she is doing and wants to make a difference. Nothing worthwhile comes easy! Until next time.............God Bless.. Updated by DJ's husband Mark


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